Project: Condonery

Condonery is a desktop app made for property agents primarily used for managing client contacts and condo listings. It is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Condonery can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the ability to select a single property or client, thus seeing its details as well as its interested clients or properties, respectively
    • Users can add interested clients to a property, or interested properties to a client
    • This feature faciliates easy viewing of a property’s interested clients, or a client’s interested properties
    • As the select command changes the property list and client list on the GUI, it helps with workflows involving a property’s interested clients or a client’s interested properties
      • For example, a user could submit a select -p 1 command to select the first displayed property, before submitting an edit -c 2 command to edit that property’s second interested client
  • Code contributed:
  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Created the initial classes required for a Property
    • Refactored commands into two subclasses: PropertyCommand and ClientCommand
    • Added the interestedClients attribute to the Property class, and the interestedProperties attribute to the Client class
  • Contibutions to User Guide:
    • Added explanations for property and client attributes
      • Includes each attribute’s associated prefix, which will be used in the add and edit commands
    • Contributed to the description for the client directory features
  • Contributions to Developer Guide:
    • Contributed to the Glossary section for key terms worth defining
    • Added implementation details for the select property/client feature
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:
    • Setting up of documents to track meeting discussions
    • Organisation of bugs in the issues tracker into different priorities
  • Review/mentoring contributions:

Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extracts)


  • Mainstream OS: Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X
  • Property: A listed unit of a property
  • Command: A text input keyed in by the user, in the command box of the GUI.
    • A command must have a keyword (e.g. select, clear)
    • A command might require a flag, and/or a parameter(s)
  • Flag: A flag denoting if a command is for properties or clients, i.e., -p and -c
  • Parameter: A combination of a prefix and an argument(s) that functions as inputs to a command
    • Examples: n/Samuel is a name parameter; a/Woodlands is an address parameter
  • Prefix: The symbol used in a parameter to indicate which parameter it is for
    • Examples: n/ is the prefix for the name parameter; a/ is the prefix for the address parameter
  • Argument: The user-defined inputs for parameters
    • Examples: “Jaime” could be an argument for the name parameter; “Sembawang” could be an argument for the addresss parameter

Select feature

High-level details
  • The select feature is meant to expand on either a Property or a Client to display its details in the GUI.
  • Importantly, a Property can hold a list of interested clients and a Client can hold a list of properties that the client is interested in.
  • Depending on if a Property or Client is selected, the GUI changes to show just the selected Property or Client in its respective tab, and its interested clients or intersted properties - respectively - in the other tab.
  • The select command is as follows, where select -p [INDEX] is used to select a property under the property directory, and select -c [INDEX] is used to select a client under the client directory:

    select -[pc] [INDEX]
    • The compulsory input INDEX would correspond to the current displayed list in the GUi.
  • Examples of usage:
    • select -p 2
    • select -c 10
Technical details
  • The implementation of the select feature mainly revolves around two classes each for a Property and a Client: SelectPropertyCommand, SelectPropertyCommandParser, SelectClientCommand and SelectClientCommandParser.
    • The SelectPropertyCommand and SelectClientCommand classes handle the backend execution of the command, such as changing the list of Properties or Clients to be displayed on the GUI (See the UML diagrams below for a detailed breakdown).
    • The SelectPropertyCommandParser and SelectClientCommandParser classes handle the parsing of the arguments that have been supplied with the select -[pc] command (See the UML diagrams below for a detailed breakdown).
      • The user is supposed to only provide a valid [INDEX] as an argument. If invalid arguments have been provided, the parser classes throw a ParseException and display a message on the GUI to inform the user of the error.
UML Diagrams

The diagrams below are for SelectPropertyCommand and SelectPropertyCommandParser.

This activity diagram models the workflow when a select -p 1 input is given by the user.

Importantly, errors that might be thrown are modeled in this diagram.


This sequence diagram shows the interactions between the Logic, Model, and Ui classes when a select -p 1 input is given by the user.


The logic for SelectClientCommand and SelectClientCommandParser are similar and derivable from the diagrams too.

Contributions to the User Guide (Extracts)

Prefix list

Prefix Associated Parameter Definition Examples Remarks
n/ NAME Refers to the name of a property or client.
Each property or client can only have one name.
a/ ADDRESS Refers to the address of a property or client. a/Cantonment Rd, #1G, 085301 Each property or client can only have one address.
t/ TAG Refers to a tag of a property or client.
Can be used for labelling important details.
t/High-end, t/Friend Tags must be alphanumerical
Each property or client can have multiple tags.
-i IMAGE Refers to the image for a property or client.
User will be prompted to select an image in a separate window upon invoking prefix.
NIL Each property or client can only have one image.
p/ PRICE Refers to property price.
p/1,000,000 Each property can only have one price.
Accepts positive integers only.
Max input price is 2,147,483,647.
Use of commas to separate digits allowed, except when commas is in front of leading digit (,100), comma not between digits (100,) or using consecutive commas (10,,0)
h/ PROPERTY_TYPE Refers to type of housing
Must be one of CONDO, HDB, or LANDED
h/HDB, h/Condo, h/landed Each property can only have one property type.
Valid property types: HDB, CONDO, LANDED
Arguments for this parameter are case-insensitive.
s/ PROPERTY_STATUS Refers to availability of property
Must be one of AVAILABLE, SOLD, or PENDING
s/AVAILABLE, s/PENDING Each property can only have one property status.
Valid property statuses: AVAILABLE, SOLD, PENDING
Arguments for this parameter are case-insensitive.
ic/ INTERESTED_CLIENTS Refers to list of clients who are considering to purchase a particular property. ic/Samuel Each property can have multiple clients interested in it.
ip/ INTERESTED_PROPERTIES Refers to list of properties that a client is interested in. ip/duxton Each client can be interested in multiple properties.